Online Fashion Systems,  2024/2025 Syllabus
Sessions Overview
Assesment & Deliverables 

Deliverables & Assessment 

At the end of the module, participants will be required to submit a Report in form of an essay. They will also share their contribution to the module publication and explicate its relevance to their critical practice through a Presentation. The level of active participation in class will be taken into account in the final assessment.

In order to obtain the 6 ECTS you have to participate in the Making and Prototyping, which is 17%, and pass the two deliverables, of which the Report is 50% and the Presentation is 33%.  

Assignment : 50%  

Each participant will write an essay of approximately 2000 words reflecting on (site-)specific terminology related to methods, concepts, ways of doing, seeing or dealing with online environments. In their essay they will define and situate (at least) 3 terms they've encountered during the course of the module; these may be pre-existing, inspired by other writings, or (re)invented, but the chosen terms must be placed in a contemporary context and in relation to their own critical fashion practice.

This essay must reflect individually gathered sources and draw on the compulsory readings provided.  Students must be able to (1) assess the current digital fashion landscape, (2) articulate the extended systems at play, and (3) reflect on their positioning within online fashion systems. Students need to be aware of how certain (digital) concepts are reflected in their practice.

 Forms of participation  : 17%  

will consist of theory preparation, collective unpacking and discussion(s) of required reading, small activations and assignments to apply discussed theory in a practical manner, peer-to-peer feedback and time to work on course deliverables.

Sourcing : 
This class looks at how digital frameworks are utilised as communication vehicles and relational objects. As such, we will be using as collective online framework to gather sources. This working environment poses as an on-going exercise in sharing and citation practices as a research method, throughout the duration of this Study Module.

  • Participants gather sources and practices that inform, or are part of their practice ecology.
  • For each session, each participant will source 2 examples. 
    These examples can vary in format; it can be texts, visuals, videos, websites, or any other type of documentation that connects to the session topic, reading or activations.  
  • Sources can also be added after or during the sessions. 
    Be aware: in order to be assessed you’ll have to have gathered at least 12 sources
  • Make sure your entries have titles & descriptions, as they will become part of the module  publication.

We are working towards a glossary that will result in a collective publication that will include the individual perspectives and reflections of the participants. Thinking about vocabulary and terminology allows one to reflect on how meaning and knowledge are shared, how discourse is shaped and among whom. The way we talk about concepts, problems, activations is often site-specific and tends to encapsulate disciplines. Terminology moves, is constantly changing and being discarded. It is therefore highly reflective of contemporary settings and, when translated and situated in personal contexts, can act as a bridge to public spheres and enquiries. Creating and working on a common vocabulary therefore helps to open up and lower thresholds and allows us to borrow from other disciplines. Participants need to keep this in mind during the module and while sourcing materials.

      Presentation : 33%

    Participants share their terms & definitions through a presentation in an embodied format of their choice. Ensure that the format of the presentation adds to or illustrates the definition you've developed for that term. It is important that participants are able to articulate how their chosen terms simultaneously reflect or influence their practice or how they will shape their practice in the future.

      final documents  

    After the presentation, participants submit their deliverables (1. essay, 2. sources and 3. documentation of their presentation) digitally to Karin Rooijakkers in the following manner:

    • Essay according to the author guidelines
    • sources in PDF format via
    • Presentation documentation in a .zip folder containing: images in .jpeg  and all other files in .PDF format. 

    If participants do not submit the deliverables in the correct format, they cannot be assessed :(